At Bembridge CE Primary School, our aim is to provide children with a high-quality Physical Education curriculum. Children develop their confidence at performing and carrying out learnt skills in a range of team and individual sports in KS2, with fundamental movement skills and hand-eye coordination being the focus for P.E in KS1. Through a range of opportunities, such as sports fixtures, after school clubs, sporting visitors and sport experience days, we aim to promote a lifelong interest in sport and physical activity that continues long after they have left Bembridge CE Primary School. During lessons, the importance of sport and physical activity as part of a healthy, active lifestyle is promoted. Sporting leadership is promoted at school through lessons and a variety of other opportunities. Teamwork and communication skills are other key skills that are promoted through our P.E curriculum.
All year groups at Bembridge CE Primary School have two P.E sessions a week, which are 60 minutes in length. We aim to ensure that our P.E lessons are engaging and as active as possible in order to inspire a love of sport and physical activity, as well as supporting children to reach their potential. The majority of our school P.E lessons are taught by Mrs Shenton, our specialist PSSP sports coach, or Mrs Howells, our HLTA P.E coach. Class teachers receive training and support from Mrs Shenton and Mr. Collings, our highly experienced P.E Lead, to uplevel and upskill their own P.E knowledge.
By the end of KS2, we aim for children to:
- Be motivated to actively participate in P.E and sport.
- Have developed a variety of skills across a range of sports.
- Be inspired to maintain a lifelong interest in sport through to adulthood.
- To be able to swim at least 25 metres and understand how to stay safe in the water.
- To have developed leadership and communication skills within team sports.
- Be critical of and assess their performance in order aid progress.
- Be actively involved in sports clubs outside of school.
- To understand how to live a healthy lifestyle.
Level 1 and 2 bikeability sessions for Year 5 and 6
Professional referee, James Linington, running a workshop for Year 5 and 6.
5th place out of the whole of the South West of England