Our Curriculum

At Bembridge CE Primary we have developed a curriculum which is broad and balanced and supports all pupils to embed a secure knowledge and understanding across a range of subjects. We ensure it covers all of the Early Years Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2. We have also developed our curriculum to ensure that our Christian values of love, courage and respect are woven within the content to develop children with Christian values in their hearts and minds. We also consider the needs of our pupils within the Bembridge community, the richness of the local surroundings and the missing elements of living on an island. Our curriculum takes account of this and includes many cultural experiences to ensure a balanced view of the world. 

At Bembridge CE Primary children begin their time in Reception learning through play and adult guided activities with a curriculum which has a clear progression to learning but adapts to the interests of the child.

In Key Stage 1, children have lessons on English (Phonics, Reading and Writing); Mathematics; Religious Education; Science; Art and Design; Design and Technology; History; Geography; Physical Education; Music; Computing; and PSHE. Further information on how these subjects are taught can be found on the subject pages. 

In Key Stage 2, children have lessons on English (Reading, Spelling, Grammar and Writing); Mathematics; Religious Education; Science; Art and Design; Design and Technology; History; Geography; Physical Education; Music; Computing; French; and PSHE. Further information on how these subjects are taught can be found on the subject pages. 


Information on what is taught in each year can be found on the class pages. We also produce a half termly learning information page for parents to support further learning at home. 


Information on how we make our curriculum accessible - please see our accessibility plan on the SEND support page.
