
At Bembridge C of E Primary School the children are encouraged to develop their understanding of how events have changed lives over time and to develop an understanding of how people lived their day to day lives in the past. 

We aim to develop the children's enthusiasm and curiosity about the past and help them make links between the past and present and learn more about the people in the past that have helped to shape the future.


Through our History curriulum we aim to help the children to become thoughtful historians by stimulating their sense of enquiry and enabling them to make links between the past and present. This will be linked to history units based around events that have occured in more recent years, family history, Britain's history as well as ancient historical civilisations around the world.

We want to help the childen to  ask perseptive questions, make links between different events and time periods, develop a sense of chronology, think critcally and weigh evidence to make  informed judgements about events from the past and why people acted as they did. The children will also develop a better understanding about 'cause and consequence' whilst studying the different historical units of work.


Our history curriculum is taught weekly through half termly units ( alternating with Geography each term). Throughout our History curriculum the children will look at events that have taken place in more recent times as well as events further back in history. In EYFS the focus is helping the children to look at their own personnel histories and their families. In KS1 the children will be involved in finding out more about the Gunpowder Plot, Toys from the past, The First Moon Landing, Bembridge Windmill ( Local study), Remembrance Day,The Great Fire of London, Mary Anning and Victorian Seaside holidays. 

In lower KS2 the history units are based on Britain's history and are developed chronologically starting with the Stone and Bronze age then moving onto the Romans, Saxons and Vikings. A local study also takes place to compare and contrast the changes that have taken place over time.

In upper KS2 the children will study ancient civilisations including the Ancient Greeks, Ancient Egyptions and the Mayan Civilisation as well as looking at the impact of WWII on the Isle of Wight,  the Changing Power of the Monarchy, and the Victorians.

The Isle of Wight is rich with historiacal places to visit across many of the different time periods so the children will be involved in different educational visits to enhance their historical knowledge as well as historical visitors coming in to school to share artefacts and knoweldge and themed history days.

History is evolving day to day and the children will learn about significant changes to British and World history as and when events occur.



The impact of the History curriculum will be evident in the children's enthusiasm for the subject and how they are able to talk about their learning through pupil voice sessions. Teacher assessments are also recorded for each unit of History looking at the historical skills /key areas of learning for History which are :

Chronology (developing an  understanding of the chronology of the people, events, periods or civilisations studied).

Characteristic features ( can identify characteristic feature of events, people, time periods or civilisations studied). Continuity and change (develop an understanding that while many aspects of life changed for people over time,change was not necessarily universal, nor occured at consistent rate).

Cause and consequence (develop an understanding that changes in the past usually resulted from several factors and that the consequences of those affected people differently, or not at all depending on a range of factors), historical significance.

Historical significance

Develop an understanding that significance in historical terms, implies the impact of an event, person's actions or change, was wide spread, wide ranging, or lasted for some considerable time ( possibly into the present).

Historical interpretation

Building an understanding that all history is a construct, the reliability of which depends on the type and range of evidence available about a person, period or civilisation.

Historical Enquiry

The development and increasingly sophisticated use of historical skills and the ability to communicate their findings of historical studies.

Useful Websites:




At Bembridge C of E Primary School the children are encouraged to develop their understanding of how events have changed lives over time and to develop an understanding of how people lived their day to day lives in the past. 

We aim to develop the children's enthusiasm and curiosity about the past and help them make links between the past and present and learn more about the people in the past that have helped to shape the future.


Through our History curriulum we aim to help the children to become thoughtful historians by stimulating their sense of enquiry and enabling them to make links between the past and present. This will be linked to history units based around events that have occured in more recent years, family history, Britain's history as well as ancient historical civilisations around the world.

We want to help the childen to  ask perseptive questions, make links between different events and time periods, develop a sense of chronology, think critcally and weigh evidence to make  informed judgements about events from the past and why people acted as they did. The children will also develop a better understanding about 'cause and consequence' whilst studying the different historical units of work.


Our history curriculum is taught weekly through half termly units ( alternating with Geography each term). Throughout our History curriculum the children will look at events that have taken place in more recent times as well as events further back in history. In EYFS the focus is helping the children to look at their own personnel histories and their families. In KS1 the children will be involved in finding out more about the Gunpowder Plot, Toys from the past, The First Moon Landing, Bembridge Windmill ( Local study), Remembrance Day,The Great Fire of London, Mary Anning and Victorian Seaside holidays. 

In lower KS2 the history units are based on Britain's history and are developed chronologically starting with the Stone and Bronze age then moving onto the Romans, Saxons and Vikings. A local study also takes place to compare and contrast the changes that have taken place over time.

In upper KS2 the children will study ancient civilisations including the Ancient Greeks, Ancient Egyptions and the Mayan Civilisation as well as looking at the impact of WWII on the Isle of Wight,  the Changing Power of the Monarchy, and the Victorians.

The Isle of Wight is rich with historiacal places to visit across many of the different time periods so the children will be involved in different educational visits to enhance their historical knowledge as well as historical visitors coming in to school to share artefacts and knoweldge and themed history days.

History is evolving day to day and the children will learn about significant changes to British and World history as and when events occur.



The impact of the History curriculum will be evident in the children's enthusiasm for the subject and how they are able to talk about their learning through pupil voice sessions. Teacher assessments are also recorded for each unit of History looking at the historical skills /key areas of learning for History which are :

Chronology (developing an  understanding of the chronology of the people, events, periods or civilisations studied).

Characteristic features ( can identify characteristic feature of events, people, time periods or civilisations studied). Continuity and change (develop an understanding that while many aspects of life changed for people over time,change was not necessarily universal, nor occured at consistent rate).

Cause and consequence (develop an understanding that changes in the past usually resulted from several factors and that the consequences of those affected people differently, or not at all depending on a range of factors), historical significance.

Historical significance

Develop an understanding that significance in historical terms, implies the impact of an event, person's actions or change, was wide spread, wide ranging, or lasted for some considerable time ( possibly into the present).

Historical interpretation

Building an understanding that all history is a construct, the reliability of which depends on the type and range of evidence available about a person, period or civilisation.

Historical Enquiry

The development and increasingly sophisticated use of historical skills and the ability to communicate their findings of historical studies.

Useful Websites:

