Who we are

We are a one-form entry Primary School taking pupils from the age of 4 years to 11 years of age, Reception to Year 6.

Our children enjoy school and look forward to being here, the atmosphere and ethos are very supportive as we strive for all children to achieve their best. In our school we develop children with love, courage and respect in their hearts. Self-confidence is nurtured. The school is welcoming to all, and treats all involved as equals.

We have a large hall for our worship, lunches and performances. We have a deisgnated space for computing, as well as laptops and tablets. We also have a newly reorgainsed library with a range of fiction and non-fiction books. We have a playground, ball court, adventure trail, field and school garden. As well as an outdoor space for our reception children.  The site is all on one level and fully accessible.

 We regularly hold class sharing assemblies, this involves the children sharing their work with the school, parents, and often grandparents too. We join together school and parents at our Christian services held at Holy Trinity Bembridge Church. We also have our annual whole school productions at Christmas and at the end of the year so our superstars can perform for an audience. 


Parents Comments on the strengths of Bembridge CE Primary:

"The children are educated in a nurturing environment and learn to respect and support one another. The teaching staff lead by example and I have always found them to be friendly and respectful." 

"The caring, fun and supportive atmosphere. That both academic achievement and individual qualities are rewarded with equal measure."

"It has a lovely ethos around God and respect. The staff are friendly and helpful." 


 Statement of our Christian Ethos:

'Learning to love God, one another and ourselves'

When people asked Jesus what were the most important things we should do he replied:

‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength [and] You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Mark 12:30-31)


Our statement puts this central element of Christian behaviour at the heart of the life of the school.

Click here to go to our Vision and Values

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report:

'The quality of relationships and the exemplary behaviour of pupils can be attributed to the Christian distinctiveness of the school.'

'The Christian vision and values promoted by leaders develop a sense of self-worth and love and compassion for others throughout the school community.'




Our School Day 

Gates open: 8:20am - 8:30am and 2:55pm - 3:05pm

Our intention is that all pupils will be in school ready to learn by 8:30am.

All year groups school day: 8:30am - 3:00pm (6.5 hours per day)

After-school clubs (currently for Years 1 to 6): 3:00pm - 4:00pm (These must be pre-booked for the half term- details are sent to parents at the start of term and usually run for 5 weeks).


